This week we will focus on bringing up the weight slightly and lower the reps. You should increase the weight by 5 pounds and lower the reps by 8. Believe it or not 2.5 pounds make a big difference it could go from 195 pound to 200 its alot heavier then you think. What would be easier to lift 195 or 200 its heavier then you think. This is gonna help you get stronger and more cut up. summer is rolling around and people are gonna want their muscles to pop. This is gonna help you grab peoples attention without even saying a word to them.
Abs we need to keep the reps up high so you can burn the fat off your stomach and really get people to see your abs. stick with the work out you only need 12 weeks for you and everyone else to see a change in your body. Give it time your bettering your self and becoming what you want to be and look like, its amazing once you forget to look or check then you look after a couple weeks and bam your bigger and better looking.
You have to maintain a healthy diet take in protein with the weight you want to be. Say i want to be 185 pounds i have to take in 185 grams of protein a day. Also count you calories and eat what taste good don't torture your self that's not gonna help.
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